[FWTools] Error opening OpenEv - dll permissions

Paul Mallas pmallas at rsmas.miami.edu
Tue Oct 23 09:22:43 EDT 2007

I am having a rather peculiar problem with openev on my Windows XP 
machine - it won't open claiming there are problems with dll permissions:

C:\Program Files\FWTools1.3.9>openev
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\FWTOOL~1.9\pymod\openev.py", line 80, in ?
    import gviewapp
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\FWTOOL~1.9\pymod\gviewapp.py", line 139, in ?
    import gtkmissing
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\FWTOOL~1.9\pymod\gtkmissing.py", line 3, in ?
    import _gv
ImportError: DLL load failed: Access is denied.

The only problem is that the dll permissions are set to be wide open.  
My sys admin is baffled as well.  Anyone else ever see something like this?

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