[FWTools] gdalwarp projection issue
Adam Yesaitis
adamy at wtgroupllc.com
Thu Aug 28 13:00:58 EDT 2008
I am having an issue with the gdalwarp utility within FWtools 2.2.6.
My syntax is as follows
gdalwarp -tr 1.3 1.3 --config gdal_cachemax 1024 -srcnodata 0 -co compress=ccittfax4 -t_srs "ESRI::NAD 1983 StatePlane New Jersey FIPS 2900 (feet).prj" input.tif output.tif
I continue to get the following error
ERROR1: Translating source or target SRS failed:
ESRI::NAD 1983 StatePlane New Jersey FIPS 2900 (Feet).prj
Just wondering if anyone could help.
thank you,
Adam Yesaitis
Western Technologies Group
Tel: 908-725-1143
Fax: 908-725-1488
E-mail: adamy at wtgroupllc.com
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