[FWTools] gdal merge file size

Adam Yesaitis adamy at wtgroupllc.com
Mon Dec 29 14:45:51 EST 2008


    I am attempting to use the gdal_merge utility to mosaic pre-registered aerial photographs and provide a worldfile for the output.  I am using RGB satellite images in .JPG format averaging about 7MB per image.  The problem is that my output file size for say 10 images is extremely large ( 5.9 GB).  Also it takes a very long tome for the utility to complete with only 10 maps.  Is there anything I can do to drastically reduce the size of my output to better reflect the initial input sizes or any way I can speed the process up?  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Adam Yesaitis
Western Technologies Group
Tel: 908-725-1143
Fax: 908-725-1488
E-mail: adamy at wtgroupllc.com
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