[FWTools] OpenEv is not working on Linux Red Hat 5.

Tuan Giang tuangiang74 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 10 22:19:25 EST 2008

Hello guys,
  I generated the NITF files from jpeg images using the "gdal_translate" command. I like to view the generated NITF output files but the "openev -h" command is not working on this machine. I wonder if you guys have came across this problem before. It would be great if you guys can provide some advice. Thanks. 
  [giangt at cluster-dev2 FWTools-2.0.4]$ openev -h
Setup for user installed hardware acceleration
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/giangt/fwtools/FWTools-2.0.4/bin/../pymod/openev.py", line 80, in ?
    import gviewapp
  File "/home/giangt/fwtools/FWTools-2.0.4/bin/../pymod/gviewapp.py", line 136, in ?
    import gtk
  File "/home/giangt/fwtools/FWTools-2.0.4/lib/python2.2/site-packages/gtk.py", line 29, in ?
RuntimeError: cannot open display

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