[FWTools] FWTools 2.2.6 Windows 32 bit, Python 2.3.4

Greg_Barrett at ak.blm.gov Greg_Barrett at ak.blm.gov
Fri Oct 31 15:48:40 EDT 2008

According to my co-worker, the Python 2.3.4 build delivered with FWtools
2.2.6 is built with UCS2 support not UCS4. So there is no vulnerability.

The site http://www.xml.com/cs/user/view/cs_msg/2915 gives a simple way to

             Frank Warmerdam                                               
             <warmerdam at pobox.                                             
             com>                                                       To 
                                       Greg_Barrett at ak.blm.gov             
             10/29/2008 05:23                                           cc 
             PM                        fwtools at lists.maptools.org          
                                       Re: [FWTools] FWTools 2.2.6 Windows 
                                       32 bit, Python 2.3.4                

Greg_Barrett at ak.blm.gov wrote:
> We do process external data. The advisory states "the vulnerability
> not be present in most Python builds out there, especially not the builds
> for the Windows or Mac OS X platform provided by www.python.org."  except
> for "... Python builds configured to support UCS-4 Unicode strings (using
> the --enable-unicode=ucs4 configure flag). This is still not the default"
> I guess I should have originally asked: Is the python build shipped with
> FWTools 2.2.6 configured to support UCS-4 Unicode strings?


I'm afraid I have no idea.  I will note that it was a "stock build" pulled
from the python.org site so perhaps that answers the question.

Best regards,

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warmerdam at pobox.com
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