[FWTools] GISVM - FOSS4G 2008 Special Edition

Ricardo Pinho rpinho_eng at yahoo.com.br
Sat Sep 27 20:57:31 EDT 2008

Dear all,

I am proud to announce the "GIS Virtual Machine" FOSS4G 2008 Special Edition, available at: http://www.gisvm.com

This full-feature GIS Workstation, based exclusively on free GIS software, now also includes "Kosmo 1.2" and the "uDIG 1.1" Sanity Check release. The one that will be used on uDIG Lab presentation at Cape Town!!!

Please feel free to download it and enjoy!!!

Ricardo Pinho

These are the GISVM specs:

GISVM - FOSS4G 2008 Special Edition
Free and ready to use anywhere GIS Virtual Machine Workstation.
A FOSS4G 2008 Special Edition! 


VMware info
- CPUs        : 1
- RAM        : 512 MB
- Networking    : NAT
- Harddisk    : 8 GB SCSI (expanding)
- VMware tools    : Installed
- Sound card    : Enabled
- USB        : Enabled
OS info
- OS        : Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop
- Installation    : Standard
- Hostname    : gisvm
- Patches    : till date of creation
- IPv4 address    : dhcp
- IPv6 address    : dhcp
- DNS name    : none
- Nameserver    : dhcp
- Route    : dhcp
- Root password: not set (use sudo to execute commands as root)
- User login    : user
- User password: user
- Keyboard    : US-intl
- Date created    : 18-09-2008

- Quantum GIS 0.11.0 Metis + GRASS
- gvSIG 1.2
- FWTools 2.0.6 (Open EV, GDAL/OGR, Proj.4, OGDI, Mapserver, Python)
- (NEW!!!) uDIG 1.1 SC 2 as presented at FOSS4G 2008
- (NEW!!!) Kosmo 1.2, an excellent Arcview clone


PostgreSQL 8.3 + PostGIS 1.3.3-1 + pgAdminIII
- Database    : postgis
- Login    : postgres
- Password    : postgres

JAVA 6 JDK + TOMCAT 6.0.18
- Port    Number    : 8080
- Manager login: admin
- Password    : admin

GeoSERVER 1.7.0 RC1
- Login    : admin
- Password    : geoserver

Apache 2 + PHP 5.2.4 + Mapserver 5.1 + PHP Mapscript
- CGI-BIN    : http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv
- WWW Root    : /var/www/

General purpose applications available:
- OpenOffice2.4: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw
- Internet    : Firefox, Evolution Mail, Ekiga Softphone, Transmission Bit Torrent Client
- Graphics    : F-Spot Photo Manager, GIMP Image Editor, XSane Image Scanner
- Sound & Video: Audio CD Extractor, Brasero Disc Burning, Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, Sound Recorder
And thats all!

Problems and feedback: http://www.gisvm.com/forum
Keep informed on: http://www.gisvm.com/blog
Brought to you by Ricardo Pinho (http://www.gisvm.com)
Based on the ubuntu804desktop by Chrysaor (http://chrysaor.info)


Technical Specifications
Operating System: 
Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy
VMware Tools installed: Yes
Size: 1000MB
Allocated Memory (RAM): 512
Torrent Available

Applications Installed: 

- Quantum GIS 0.11.0 Metis + GRASS
- gvSIG 1.2
- FWTools 2.0.6 (Open EV, GDAL/OGR, Proj.4, OGDI, Mapserver, Python)
- (NEW!!!) uDIG 1.1 S.C. 2
- (NEW!!!) Kosmo 1.2

- PostgreSQL 8.3 + PostGIS 1.3.3-1 + pgAdminIII
- JAVA 6 JDK + TOMCAT 6.0.18
- GeoSERVER 1.7.0 RC1
- Apache 2 + PHP 5.2.4 + Mapserver 5.1 + PHP Mapscript

- OpenOffice2.4: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw
- Internet    : Firefox, Evolution Mail, Ekiga Softphone, Transmission Bit Torrent Client
- Graphics    : F-Spot Photo Manager, GIMP Image Editor, XSane Image Scanner
- Sound & Video: Audio CD Extractor, Brasero Disc Burning, Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, Sound Recorder

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