[FWTools] ogr2ogr: KML to any format - export fields

Ednardo Ferreira ednardof at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 27 13:46:10 EST 2009


I'm testing ogr2ogr solution. It's really great.

But I have a problem. The situation is:

1) I have a Map Info Line layer. It has 7 descripition fields. 

2) Using ogr2ogr tool, I generated a KML file from this Map Info layer. It's ok. 

3) When I use this KML in google earth, the informations are all there.

4) But, If I try to convert this KML to any other format (as SHP or TAB), the 7 fields are all put together in one single field.

5) how can I convert from KML to, for example, SHP or TAB, keeping all fields?


 Até mais!
Jesus te ama e Ele vai voltar! 

Ednardo de Oliveira Ferreira
Analista de Sistemas e Mestre em Transportes
Blog: http://vilaperi.blogspot.com/

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