[FWTools] ogr2ogr: KML to any format - export fields

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Jan 27 14:15:57 EST 2009

Ednardo Ferreira wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm testing ogr2ogr solution. It's really great.
> But I have a problem. The situation is:
> 1) I have a Map Info Line layer. It has 7 descripition fields.
> 2) Using ogr2ogr tool, I generated a KML file from this Map Info layer. 
> It's ok.
> 3) When I use this KML in google earth, the informations are all there.
> 4) But, If I try to convert this KML to any other format (as SHP or 
> TAB), the 7 fields are all put together in one single field.
> 5) how can I convert from KML to, for example, SHP or TAB, keeping all 
> fields?


I would suggest you ask this question on the gdal-dev list.  I suspect
that there is no clean way to do this with the current KML driver.  But
the driver author, Chris Condit, is the person who could best respond.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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