[FWTools] Connecting to PostgreSQL with fwtools
Flavio Perri - QMap srl
flavio.perri at qmap.it
Wed Jul 8 03:49:07 EST 2009
2009/7/7 Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org>
> >
> > I am not aware of having quoted stuff like the value applied to dbname=
> > in the past. Why are you doing it? I would suggest printing out
> > the return value of CPLGetLastErrorMsg() if the Open fails. Are you
> > sure you are registering all the drivers before calling open?
> >
> > Best regards,
Hello again,
thanks for your answers! I resolved using the CPLGetLastErrorMsg() and found
that the parameter "passwd" in the connection string was wrong!! Looking at
PQconnectDB() docs, I saw that it should be:"password".
Why "ogr2ogr" works with that string?
Thank you all,
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