[FWTools] Use FWTools in CSharp

Andrea Pistoni Andrea.Pistoni at next.it
Wed Mar 18 02:00:38 EST 2009

I've used FWTools with C# last year. It's very important that the "System Variables" path contains the path FWTOOLS with the specified path where there is the "driver" folder with all the DLLs. 
I hope this helps, 
Andrea Pistoni  


From: fwtools-bounces at lists.maptools.org on behalf of Tamas Szekeres
Sent: Tue 17/03/2009 16.33
To: jor sion
Cc: FWTools at lists.maptools.org
Subject: Re: [FWTools] Use FWTools in CSharp


In most cases the problem is related to missing dll dependencies, so make sure all of the dll-s are copied into your appdir or a directory enumerated in the PATH environment variable.

Best regards,


2009/3/17 jor sion <jorsion at gmail.com>

	Hi All, 
	 Any body used FWTools in CSharp. I try using it in CSharp ,but there some exception about OSGeo.GDAL.GdalPINVOKE. How to solve it ? Anybody can help ?

	FWTools mailing list
	FWTools at lists.maptools.org

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