[FWTools] Gdal2tiles.py not working properly with FWTools-2.0.6

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Aug 27 18:34:58 EST 2010

Aduragba Adekunjo wrote:
> Since Gdal2tiles.py was missing after I installed FWTools-2.0.6 on 
> linux, I had to copy the older version that was posted at 
> http://www.klokan.cz/projects/gdal2tiles/gdal2tiles.py
> But the image I got covered the whole globe in google earth. So I 
> decided to copy gdal2tiles.py from an installed GDAL 1.7.0 on my 
> computer and I then got the following error
> *Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/adura/FWTools/FWTools-2.0.6/bin_safe/gdal2tiles.py", line 
> 38, in ?
>     from osgeo import gdal
> ImportError: No module named osgeo*
> The reason I decided to use FWTools rather than GDAL1.7.0 was because I 
> kept getting errors such as proj.4  cannot be found.
> Is there a way I can install a FWTool with updated gdal2tiles.py on my 
> linux box? Or if not what are the various packages I need to install 
> along with GDAL1.7.0?


gdal2tiles.py depends on use of the "next generation" python api which
is not used in FWTools for historical reasons related to OpenEV.  I would
suggest you use OSGeo4W for running gdal2tiles.py.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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