[FWTools] BuildOverviews in JPEG compressed TIF

Helge Morkemo hmorkemo at gmail.com
Thu May 20 10:10:34 EST 2010

Hi all!

I have a problem when producing overviews in a jpeg compressed tiff.with
Gdal 1.7.2

After my basic image is produced, with the GeoTIFF driver, I call

overviewlist is 2,4,8,16,32,64,128

(It's a VB.NET 2010 app.)

I get this message: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 1, Y block offset 0

It's the same in my program as in GdalOverviews.

The basic image is made line by line with RGB bands.

The image is 7588 by 5492 pixels.


If I add BIGTIFF=YES when creating it, the overviews generation seem to
work, but the colors are all messed up in the overviews

Hints, anyone?


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