[FWTools] Installation of FWTools on Ubuntu (install.sh)

Tomislav Hengl hengl at spatial-analyst.net
Sat Oct 30 09:27:54 EST 2010


I am novel to Ubuntu. I have tried to install FWTools under Linux
[http://home.gdal.org/fwtools/FWTools-linux-2.0.6.tar.gz] and am facing
some problems. First, I discovered that the "./install.sh" needs to be
fixed so it runs on my machine:

"python -O /usr/lib/python2.6/compileall.py pymod /usr/lib/python2.6 bin

Second, after I run ./install.sh, I get an error message:

Listing pymod ...
Compiling pymod/filedlg.py ...
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('pymod/filedlg.py', 302, 26, '
self.set_policy(as=gtk.FALSE, ag=gtk.FALSE, autos=gtk.TRUE)\n'))
Listing bin ...
Listing tools ...

but then rest runs through. Finally, I am getting an error message when
trying to add the FWTools path to:

thengl at geo:~$ pico .bash_profile
thengl at geo:~$ echo $PATH
thengl at geo:~$ ls
thengl at geo:~$ gdalinfo eudem5km.tif
/home/FWTools/bin_safe/gdalinfo: 9: /home/FWTools/bin/gdalinfo: not found
thengl at geo:~$ cd /home/FWTools/bin
thengl at geo:/home/FWTools/bin$ file gdalinfo
gdalinfo: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, not stripped

It seems that I did manage to install FWTools, but I have problems
pointing to the FWtools exe files.


-- T. Hengl Url: http://www.wewur.wur.nl/popups/vcard.aspx?id=HENGL001

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