[FWTools] fileexport option

sethupathi balaji bals2509 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 23:54:24 EST 2011

hi list

Let me first extend my thanks for providing such a nice tools in FWtools

I have bigtiff file of size 9 GB. I opened the file in fwtools and tried to
export the tiff file in .pix format.

i noticed a change of projection information when i exported tif to .pix as
given below

tif file parameters- UTM 43 N with WGS 84 &  False easting is 500000
False northing is 0

.pix parameters   - UTM 43 S with WGS 84  & False easting is 500000
False northing is 10000000

while other parameters like latitude of origin, central meridian, pixel
size, origin remains the same

what is the problem, i am using FWtools 2.4.7 for windows

But when i work with images of size less than 2GB there is no such problem.

any pointers will be helpful

with many thanks
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