[FWTools] FWTools for Windows 7 Sp1

Matt Wilkie matt.wilkie at gov.yk.ca
Tue Sep 13 18:08:44 EST 2011

Hi Jeff,

Most of the gdal utilities efforts focussed on Windows have moved to 
OSGeo4W (http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/) as it has a cleaner method for 
picking and choosing what to install.


matt wilkie
Geomatics Analyst
Information Management and Technology
Yukon Department of Environment
10 Burns Road * Whitehorse, Yukon * Y1A 4Y9
867-667-8133 Tel * 867-393-7003 Fax

On 13/09/2011 7:51 AM, jkenneally at cartenav.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I just installed the old Windows FwTools to a new Windows 7 machine. 
>  Our software uses it for some geo-rectification, operations, etc.
> When attempting to run gdal_merge.bat I get errors identical to what I 
> am seeing on this thread, related to python/the multiarray module:
> http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2011-March/055216.html
> Is there any solution at all to get things working again?  Is this 
> essentially the last nail in the coffin in terms of using FWTools on 
> Windows?  Can anyone explain why there are no current Windows build 
> generated along with the Linux?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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