[Geotiff] Conversion from lat/long to PCS to raster

Fernando Cacciola fernando.cacciola at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 16:01:01 EST 2011

Hi Frank,

I rebuilt libgeotiff to support PROJ.4
Since I am on Windows I had to tweak the build system by hand (as is, it did not 
work, for a number of details I'll post about when I'm done)
It eventually all build OK but now I have a problem:

GTIFFProj4FromLatLong() gives me NANs

I suspect the problem is that I am not arranging for PROJ.4 to read any data, as 
I am not sure how to do that exactly.

That is, what do I need to put where?

Any help appreciated.


Fernando Cacciola
SciSoft Consulting, Founder

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