[ka-Map-users] Best way to implement hover info windows

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Feb 7 12:42:36 EST 2006

SE ... as I indicated on IRC, I think the best approach to google  
style bubbles is to use addObjectGeo/removeObject and I have used  
this with ka-Map projects successfully.  I would hope that some sort  
of bubble/dialog support will make it into the sample application at  
at some point.



On 6-Feb-06, at 6:27 PM, Ka Map wrote:

> Hi I have been having some frustrating issues trying to implement  
> balloon / bubble info windows triggered by onmouseover, and closes  
> onclick to the close button.
> Unfortunately I can only provide screenshots (local server)
> http://i1.tinypic.com/nbxfk0.jpg and
> http://i1.tinypic.com/ncbezb.jpg
> I have tried utilizing the createDrawingCanvas and addObjectGeo  
> methods. Briefly, the code (kindly view http://rafb.net/paste/ 
> results/Ggbs4j37.html ) process is:
> 0. drawMarkers declared inside myOnLoad() in startUp.js  
> (addLoadEvent doesn't seem to work with this)
> 1. createDrawingCanvas (div) for the balloon container. Balloon  
> image is set as background in CSS. Only one balloon is created.
> 2. create a marker based on the point parameter (temp array points 
> [] see code link)
> 3. attach onmouseover event handler for every marker to trigger  
> "displayBalloon"
> 4. displayballoon's css display is set to "block" (to show up) If  
> the balloon has been displayed, and mouse hovers to a different  
> marker, balloon should update its X/Y position.
> 5. append a close button inside the balloon container
> 6. balloon disappears when user clicks X button
> 1. the apparently off position of the balloon and the close  
> button.initially i was able place it right above the yellow markers  
> but then the balloon's close button was found pixels away to the  
> left of the balloon.
> 2. not all buttons seem to respond with the onmouseover. im testing  
> on firefox only at the moment.
> People at #kamap have been helpful and adviced that the hideBalloon 
> () be done using removeObject() but yet again, to no avail. Has  
> there been any similar projects that may resolve this? I appreciate  
> any input coming from you guys. Thanks and more power to all.
> -SE
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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