[ka-Map-users] Can someone answer this question please or tellmewho I should ask it to?

Samuel Doyle sdoyle_2 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 31 16:24:27 EDT 2006

Hi I gave it another try and let it run for awhile and it appears to eventually work.
I mean, I have set the redraw_interval to be 30 seconds and the refresh_interval to be 60 seconds. It takes usually three refreshes before the changes appear on the map.


"Delfos, Jacob" <Jacob.Delfos at maunsell.com> wrote:     Samuel,
 I didn't mean for you to make the "force_redraw" a  permanent configuration, but just to test whether your site has a problem with  overwiting tiles. Since it doesn't, it must mean there's something wrong with  the reading/comparing of the timestamp.
 I have just done some testing with the most recent CVS  code, and on my side the redraw mechanism works fine; I used these settings in  my metadata:
 redraw_interval "60"
tile_source  "redraw"
 After 1 minute, it would redraw, within one minute of the  last redraw it would return the cached tiles. 
 Please bear in mind that these metadata values MUST be  entered into the FIRST layer of the group. Only metadata from the first layer is  used.
 If you still run into issues, please enter this on line 171  of tile.php, after " fclose($h) " :
 trigger_error("now: ".$now."; timestamp: ".$timestamp.";  interval:".$interval."; meta_timestamp:  ".$meta_timestamp,E_USER_WARNING);
 Let us know what it says. Also, give an example URL of one  of your tiles. In Firefox, use "page -> info", and look under the media  tab.

   From: ka-map-users-bounces at lists.maptools.org    [mailto:ka-map-users-bounces at lists.maptools.org] On Behalf Of Samuel    Doyle
Sent: 29 July 2006 08:01
To: Delfos,    Jacob
Cc: ka-map-users at lists.maptools.org
Subject: RE:    [ka-Map-users] Can someone answer this question please or tellmewho I should    ask it to?

I played with the force option in tile.php which appeared    to be very resource intensive. I extended upon this by adding another    'force_redraw' field in the metadata section for each layer of interest in the    map file. This resulted in the desired effect however, it is still very    resource intensive even if I'm requesting just one layer. For every request my    server ends up thrashing like mad. Does anyone have any insight they could    provide?

Thanks, S.D.

"Delfos, Jacob"    <Jacob.Delfos at maunsell.com> wrote:             Samuel,
     Have you checked whether the URL is actually      different? Are you saying it serves out the same tiles, despite the      different timestamp? Did you check whether any tiles actually get      re-written?
     Have you tried playing with the "force" parameter      of tile.php? If this creates a new tile, it means the problem is it decides      it doesn't need to be re-created. If "force" doesn't work, it means it isn't      able to re-create the tiles. 
     Is there a timestamp directory      present?

       From: Samuel Doyle        [mailto:sdoyle_2 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: 28 July 2006        09:31
To: Delfos, Jacob
Subject: RE: [ka-Map-users]        Can someone answer this question please or tell mewho I should ask it        to?

Thanks for the repsonse.

Yes I have included the        redraw_interval and have tried the various combinations even setting        tile_source to nocache setting the redraw_interval to be both greater then        and less then the refresh_inteval even though it looks as if it should be        less then what you set for the refresh_interval. In the end In the end I        always end up needing to delete the tiles directory populated by mapserver        in order to get them regenerated again.

"Delfos, Jacob"        <Jacob.Delfos at maunsell.com> wrote:                          Samuel,
         Have you looked at the redraw_interval, described          in init.php? That appends a timestamp to the URL of the tile, to          force redrawing of the tiles. refresh-interval only does a          re-request, returning a cached tile.

           From:            ka-map-users-bounces at lists.maptools.org            [mailto:ka-map-users-bounces at lists.maptools.org] On Behalf Of            Samuel Doyle
Sent: 28 July 2006 07:33
To:            ka-map-users at lists.maptools.org
Subject: [ka-Map-users] Can            someone answer this question please or tell mewho I should ask it            to?

Sorry but I haven't received any answers for the questions            I have posted here but this one is a bit important.

After            poking around and guessing at based on what I noticed in the KaMap            code I have place a refresh_interval value in a metadata section            within a layer in my map file. Now, I can see a periodic update on the            map but the problem is when I have modifed a dbf file under mapserver            those changes are not reflected. So the question is, is there            something I need to do special to get MapServer or KaMap or whatever            to detect an update done to a map so that it is served properly??            These changes to the map files are being done programatically and not            by hand.

Thanks,    S.D.

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