[ka-Map-users] Customizing layers on KaMap

matteo rossi matteo.oettam at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 12:57:59 EST 2007

very well! :-)
now it works properly.

it still remains the problem with TRANSPARENCY....

I read what alessio told, about the opacity of both boundaries and polygon

but how to manage the transparency with COLOR and OUTLINECOLOR?
how to set (in the mapfile, of course) a  transparency of xx% affecting only
the area of my polygon layer and not its boundaries?


2007/12/13, Luca Casagrande <luca.casagrande at gmail.com>:
> matteo rossi ha scritto:
> > Ho to set the line width for my polygon boundaries?
> > I tried to change the "SYMBOL" number, but doing so the
> CGI-don'tknowwhat
> > crashes....
> >
> >
> You had to change the SIZE value. SYMBOL number is used to change the
> symbol to use.
> Bye
> Luca
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