[ka-Map-users] New installation

Bailey Bailey at texassabal.com
Thu Jul 12 17:25:33 EDT 2007

Ka-map is not showing a map. I only get the sample interface.  I think I
followed all the instructions for a Windows installation, and article "Build
Ajax Based Web Maps Using Ka-map",
but please look at the following.  Any mistakes? Recommendations?
OS: Windows XP
Ms4w package. ms4w_2.2.4.zip
Ka map package: ka-map-ms4w-1.0.zip
The following tests where successful.  
Mapserver Tested installation with "shp2img -m global.map -o test.png",
Ka-map installation appeared successful.  http://localhost/kamap displays
ka-map sample interface.
global.map is same as in install. article other than 

   IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/apps/ka-map-1.0/htdocs/tmp/"

   IMAGEURL "/kamap/tmp/"

Apache config added:
Alias /kamap/ "/ms4w/apps/ka-map-1.0/htdocs/"

<Directory "/ms4w/apps/ka-map-1.0/htdocs/">

  AllowOverride None

  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews 

  Order allow,deny

  Allow from all

global.map and 'data' folder both in C:/ms4w/apps/ka-map-1.0/htdocs/
Ka-map config.php map settings are: 
$aszGMap = array (

         'title' => 'Global Weather',

         'path' => '/ms4w/apps/ka-map-1.0/htdocs/global.map',

         'scales' => array( 100000000, 50000000, 15000000 ),

         'format' =>'PNG'

         /* Sample authorized_users entry. See auth.php for more details:

          * ,'authorized_users' => array('popplace' => array('user1',

          *                              'park'     => array('user1')



 $aszMapFiles = array( 'weather' => $aszGMap);
I notice that there are also 'config.dist.php' and 'config.dist.php' in the
ms4w\apps\ka-map-1.0\include folder. I have not modified these files.


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