[ka-Map-users] Re: mapserver query system in kamap

neuhausr at bitstream.net neuhausr at bitstream.net
Mon Oct 1 16:32:54 EDT 2007


I was just saying that your URL
only has one coordinate following the mapxy, and it should have two, with
a "+" in between (like "...&mapxy=419523+4890111").   That's the cause of
the "loadForm(): Web application error. Not enough arguments for mapxy"
error. You may have just accidentally not copied the end of the URL.  If
that is the whole URL, though, you're only getting one coordinate.  Maybe
uncomment that alert in MyQuery and get clear what parameters are there.

Since you mention them, what settings did you put for TOLERANCE and
TOLERANCE UNITS, and are they within your LAYER?  Also make sure your
coordinate systems match.

Just a few more ideas,

> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 17:08:30 +0200
> From: Alessio Di Lorenzo <alessio.dilorenzo at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [ka-Map-users] Re: mapserver query system in kamap
> 	(Alessio Di	Lorenzo)
> To: ka-map-users at lists.maptools.org
> Message-ID: <47010D6E.2080003 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> neuhausr at bitstream.net ha scritto:
>> In your URL, you only have one coordinate (x).  Add "+[your y
>> coordinate]"
>> and hopefully that'll work.
>> Brad
> Hi Brad,
> do you mean that:
> [...]mode=query&mapxy="+ coords[0] + "+" + coords[1]);
> are not the x y coordinates but only the x?
> I don't understand...
> coords[0] and coords[1] are not x and y taken from ka-map and passed to
> the cgi?
> Could you write me an example?
> Thank you a lot...
> Alessio
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