[ka-Map-users] tile.php - setExtent(): Given map extent is invalid

Bailey Bailey at texassabal.com
Sat Oct 6 17:59:59 EDT 2007

Hello everyone,


I'm in the process of moving my kamap application online and have come
across the following error when I test tile.php.


Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: setExtent(): Given map extent is invalid.
Check that it is in the form: minx, miny, maxx, maxy in
/httpdocs/js/kamap/tile.php on line 239


For those of you familiar with tile.php, line 239 is as follows:



When I run init.php everything looks fine:

00','6000');var map = new _map({name:'ozonaSpraberry',title:'Ozona
er(new _layer( {
,tileSource:'auto',redrawInterval:-1,refreshInterval:-1,scales: new
Array('1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1')}));map.resolution =
72;this.addMap( map );this.tileWidth=256;this.tileHeight=256;this.server =
'http://www.txsabal.com/js/kamap/';this.tileURL =


So I think config.php is correct.


Any Ideas?








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