[ka-Map-users] legend tree, changes in pdf output

Royce Eustaquio rgeustaquio at gmail.com
Mon May 25 04:52:34 EST 2009

Hi there!

Newbie here and thanks to the wiki page I was able to set up ka-map for our
organization. There are a number of things though that I just can't figure
out. Help!

1. I have tried doing the legend tree but I can't seem to make a numerous
layers - just 2 layers then I can't get to have the top most layer to
collapse/minimize. Where or what should should I check to correct this?

2. Is there a way to have "zoom limits" on the visibility of a layer? For
example Layer A can only be viewed if the map zoom is 1:20,000 or a larger
scale? When on zoom extents this layer can't be displayed.

3. Also I found some ka-map applications (i forgot which one) wherein the
"Map Info" (particularly the key map) and "Legend" are shown together in one
view. How does one do this?

4. Finally, in line with Mr. Bob Bistrais' question on changing scalebar
style, is there a way to change the layout of the pdf output map? Can it be
changed also thru the screen.css?

Thank you very much!

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