[maplab-users] MapServer Error in msSaveImage()

Gonzalo Valdés
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 17:35:21 -0400
Hi, I have configure Map Server last week and takes me a while to understand
the map file structure (I'm new at GIS as well) but I put it to work. So,
when i find out MapLab I want to tray it a.s.p..  
I'm working in a Linux RedHat 7.2 machine, and i had apache copiled from the
source whith php 4.2.1 (static) so I recompile my PHP source whith the
 './configure' '--with-system-regex' '--with-gd' '--enable-shared'
'--with-ttf' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect'
'--enable-dbase' '--with-xml' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' 
Install the CGI executable and get  reconfigured my httpd.conf so PHP is now
run  as a CGI. 
Then I recompiled my  mapserver source and install the and
every thing looks ok. 
whith the mapscript part when I run: phpinfo_mapscript.phtml  
MapScript Version ($Revision: $ $Date: 2002/06/03 14:19:53 $) 
Then I install MapLab and try to configure it from the index.phtml but at
ferst it sed somthin like "This is a only read file can not be modify......"

So I chance the permissions on all files on the config directory so make
them writable as well as the projects and data directory. The tmp directory
is 777 so I didn't change anything. 
Then the interface to configure MapLab seems ok, (showing enviromet
variables proposed for seting) but it didn't write the changes. (I don't
know if any body had this same problem. I'm using:  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;
Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020513, but after I tray from IE and
work find) 
So I edit the files manually and then thins looks like ok, I can get into
the MapEdit and load a map file, but when i tray to make a preview, I get
the masage: 
Warning: MapServer Error in msSaveImage(): (set in
index.html1026249072259701.gif) in
/home/www/mapas/maplab/htdocs/mapedit/preview.php on line 374 
Fatal error: Failed writing image to set in index.html1026249072259701.gif
in /home/www/mapas/maplab/htdocs/mapedit/preview.php on line 374 
I notice a .gif formatin this (and my image_type is PNG) so I went to line
374 and find: 
//if (!session_is_registered("gszImageType")) 
    $urlMainMap = $imgMainMap->saveWebImage(MS_GIF, 0, 0, -1); 
//    eval("\$urlMainMap = \$imgMainMap->saveWebImage(MS_".$gszImageType.",
0, 0, -1);"); 
So I tray to uncoment this lines but still get errors: 
Warning: MapServer Error in msSaveImage(): (set in
index.html1026249407259801.png) in
/home/www/mapas/maplab/htdocs/mapedit/preview.php(376) : eval()'d code on
line 1 
Fatal error: Failed writing image to set in index.html1026249407259801.png
in /home/www/mapas/maplab/htdocs/mapedit/preview.php(376) : eval()'d code on
line 1 
So I coment this lines again, and decide to ask for help. 
I thougth it may be some permissions promblems, but I'm using the same tmp
directory than my mapserver script and it works. 
I will thanks any help, (...........and please......... forgive my Inglish) 
Gonzalo Valdes M. 

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