[maplab-users] help with re-installation

Paul Spencer
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 09:22:21 -0500
Hi, this looks like you are missing the "common" directory, or the
"common/appcontext" directory, or the web-server-user doesn't have read
access to it.  Perhaps try re-installing again?

You should have a directory structure something like this:

|-- config
|-- data
|-- htdocs
|   |-- common
|   |   |-- appcontext
|   |   |   `-- test_scripts
|   |   |-- color_picker
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- file_browser
|   |   |   |-- StyleSheet
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- logger
|   |   |   `-- test_scripts
|   |   |-- phpwms
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- picker
|   |   |   |-- StyleSheet
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- projection
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- treemenu
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- wmsparse
|   |   |   `-- win32
|   |   `-- wrapper
|   |-- gmapfactory
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- images
|   |   `-- templates
|   |-- images
|   |-- mapbrowser
|   |   |-- docs
|   |   |   `-- images
|   |   |-- images
|   |   |-- rosa
|   |   `-- template
|   |       `-- etc
|   `-- mapedit
|       |-- docs
|       |   `-- images
|       |-- images
|       `-- rosa
|-- projects
`-- tutorial
     |-- data
     |-- etc
     `-- images


Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> Maplab was working fine until problems with virus klez.E at web server. 
> After that, I install PHP (working OK) and Maplab2.0-rc2 again but get 
> always these error messages:
> any help will be welcome. 
> Thanks
> Alfredo
> Warning: main(../common/appcontext/appcontext.php) [function.main]: failed 
> to create stream: No such file or directory in 
> C:\InetPub\wwwroot\maplab2\htdocs\appframeset.phtml on line 3
> Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening 
> '../common/appcontext/appcontext.php' for inclusion 
> (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in 
> C:\InetPub\wwwroot\maplab2\htdocs\appframeset.phtml on line 3
> Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache 
> limiter - headers already sent (output started at 
> C:\InetPub\wwwroot\maplab2\htdocs\appframeset.phtml:3) in 
> C:\InetPub\wwwroot\maplab2\htdocs\appframeset.phtml on line 18
> Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: appcontext in 
> C:\InetPub\wwwroot\maplab2\htdocs\appframeset.phtml on line 52
> _______________________________________________
> Maplab-users mailing list

Paul Spencer
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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