[maplab-users] GMapFactory error

Zak James zak-ms at hoppsan.org
Wed Sep 1 17:27:23 EDT 2004


This is due to an error in the new version. Franck Villoin already 
encountered this and helpfully provided a patch which I'm including 
below. It will be incorporated in a bug fix release but the 
modification is small and you can make it in your local copy if you 
don't want to wait.


Zak James
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

> Hi list,
> I installed the new version of MapLab 2.2 on my system.
> When I open in MapEdit the old map (created by MapLab 2.1 rc3) and  use
> gMapFactory the first time is good.
> When I change the option and I click the Apply button I have the error.
> Warning: [MapServer Error]: msLoadMap(): (//Rac//rac_fr.map) in
> E:\MapLab\htdocs\gmapfactory\build_phtml.php on line 1301
> Warning: Failed to open map file //Rac//rac_fr.map in
> E:\MapLab\htdocs\gmapfactory\build_phtml.php on line 1301
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')' in
> E:\MapLab\projects\gmf_apps\test_franck\globprefs.php on line 46
> Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
> E:\MapLab\projects\gmf_apps\test_franck\test_franck.php on line 51
> After see the code sources off build_phtml.php, if I commente the 
> lines 117
> at 128
> /*if (substr($http_form_vars['gszMapFile'], 0, 1) == "/" ||
>     preg_match('/^(\w:)/', $http_form_vars['gszMapFile']))
> {
>     if (substr($http_form_vars["gszMapFile"], 0,
> strlen($gszFileBrowserRoot)) == $gszFileBrowserRoot)
>     {
>         $http_form_vars["gszMapFile"] =
> "/".substr($http_form_vars["gszMapFile"], strlen($gszFileBrowserRoot));
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         $gszFileBrowserRoot = '';
>     }
> } */
> and change the lines 130 at 133
> if ( !drawGlobprefs( $http_form_vars["gszAppDir"]."globprefs.php",
>         $http_form_vars["gszAppDir"], $http_form_vars["gszWorkingDir"].
>         "settings.php", 
> $gszFileBrowserRoot.$http_form_vars["gszMapFile"],
> $gszMapscriptModule,
>         $oLog ) )
> by
> if ( !drawGlobprefs( $http_form_vars["gszAppDir"]."globprefs.php",
>         $http_form_vars["gszAppDir"], $http_form_vars["gszWorkingDir"].
>         "settings.php",
> /*$gszFileBrowserRoot.*/$http_form_vars["gszMapFile"], 
> $gszMapscriptModule,
>         $oLog ) )

On Sep 1, 2004, at 3:27 PM, David Hiltz wrote:

> Hello.
>   I just started playing around with MapLab 2.2 and I like it so far.
>   Environment:
>      Linux Redhat 7.3 Server
>      Apache 1.3.27
>      Mapserver 4.2.2
>      PHP 4.3.8
>   I've run into a problem when I get click 'Apply' in GMapFactory.
>   I fire up Mapedit
>   Load my .map file.
>   Click on the GMapFactory Icon and pick my project and click OK
>   The GMapFactory page loads fine with my map.
>   I now click 'Apply' and get this message in the main window:
>     Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')' in
>       /maplab-2.2/projects/gmf_apps/david/globpres.php on line 46
>     Line 45 and below look like this (notice the missing values):
> // define the maximum extents
> define( "MAX_EXT_MINX",  );
> define( "MAX_EXT_MINY",  );
> define( "MAX_EXT_MAXX",  );
> define( "MAX_EXT_MAXY",  );
>    When I look at the MAPFILE line above this code, it looks like this:
>    define( "MAPFILE", "///david//mymap.map" );
>    The path to my map file is wrong for some reason which is probably
>    why it is not finding the extent values.  I get this warning in the 
> left
>    menu window.
>       Warning: Failed to open map file ///dhiltz//mymap.map in
> /maplab-2.2/htdocs/gmapfactory/build_phtml.php on line 1301
> This is the MAPFILE line when it works correctly (when I first come 
> into
> GMapFactory):
> define( "MAPFILE", "/maplab-2.2/projects/gmf_apps////david//mymap.map" 
> );
>   Something happens when I click apply that causes it not to give the 
> right
> path to my map file.
>   Any ideas?
>   Thanks.
>   David Hiltz
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