[maplab-users] WMS error massages

Oyama Kula oyama.k at sa-solutions.co.za
Tue Aug 22 09:17:24 EDT 2006

I'm trying to connect to the WMS-Server
http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/cgi-bin/mswms_gmap? as mentioned in the
section 'Adding a layer'. When adding this server in the 'Manage
Servers' console I receive the following error-output:
Testing server [test]....OK
Connecting server [test]....OK
Building treemenu file....OK
Building server list....OK
The following errors occurred:
1) Parse returned 1
2) The output was:
3) An error occurred parsing capabilities.
*** Execution complete - Errors Occurred ***
Connection to the server seems okay an getCapabilities-request like
TVER=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS returns the xml-doc. So as the message sais it
must be the parsing (possibly wmsparse.exe?) going wrong, but how can I
debug this?


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