[maplab-users] Returning Information using the i (info) tool in MapBrowser

Julian Parker julian at mapsolutions.com.au
Thu Feb 2 03:55:59 EST 2006

Greetings all!


Can anyone tell me how I can return information after clicking on the
map with the info too in the MapBrowser. Do I need to set up some kind
of join for a particular layer or some such? I am a little stumped by it
at the moment.


Thanks in advance



Julian Parker
Systems Analyst

Digital Mapping Solutions
Level 2, 2 Hardy Street
Ph: 08 9474 6311 Fax: 08 9474 6411
Mobile: 0438 844 079
www.mapsolutions.com.au <http://www.mapsolutions.com.au/>  


MapInfo Training
<http://www.mapsolutions.com.au/services/training/index.html> |
IntraMaps <http://www.mapsolutions.com.au/products/intramaps/index.html>
| InterMaps
<http://www.mapsolutions.com.au/products/intermaps/index.html>  |
MobileMap <http://www.mapsolutions.com.au/products/mobilemap/index.html>
| News <http://www.mapsolutions.com.au/news/index.html> 


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