[Mapserver-ottawa] help install MS4W

Dharani Babu dharanibabus@hotmail.com
Fri, 13 Feb 2004 14:32:12 +0530

Hi all
I am newbie to mapserver usage . I need to develope a web based application 
that can render TIGER based maps in web pages .  I downloaded MS4W package 
and extracted it to c:/ms4w/ms4w /apache ...etc . but when i tried to run 
the apache.exe it shows an error like ..
ServerRoot must be a valid directory . Error in line 57 of 
c:/ms4w/ms4w/apache/conf/httpd.conf file.
I stopped IIS and tried running it but the same probs persists .How could i 
solve it ? My machine is w 2000 and i tried with a XP machine and the same 
probs persists . I even tried it afterdownloading ms4w_0.7.zip also . And 
after that I saw htdocs and cgi-bin folders and found that there are some 
mapserver related exes ..like mapserv_36.exe and mapserv_40.exe and 
phpinfo.php , phpinfo_mapscript36.php etc . So with the help of these exes 
and php modules our own map will be rendered right ? or am i missing 
anything ? If so what is the diff between mapscript API usage and MapServer 
.dll ? what should be my direction hereafter to have my own web appalciation 
running with MapServer ? could any of u shed some light on this?

with regards and thanks in advance
dharani , india

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