[ms4w-users] Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ms4w-installation: win98se-shutdown problem

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Nov 23 12:45:58 EST 2004

Hello Joerg,

(note that the proper email list for MS4W questions can be found at 

I dug up an old win98 laptop and did some testing with ms4w v1.0.  I 
also ran into problems stopping the service.  I then did some digging 
and from what I've read Apache's use as a 'service' is extremely 
experimental in Windows 95/98 
  I therefore have no easy solution for you.  To get around this I would 
make a shortcut to apache.exe on my desktop and manually run it each 
time...sorry I don't have an easier solution.  Maybe some other win98 
user can help us.


wenke wrote:
> Hi,
> when I want to close win98se, I always get the error, that
> apache an php is still running.
> I think, I installed it as service. But now I (have to) put it out of
> the autostart-system-configuration.
> Anybody knows, what I have to change in any config-file, so that
> win is working normaly again??
> Thanks for help,
> joerg
> start
> C:\ms4w\Apache\bin\apache.exe -n ApacheWebServer -k runservice (default)
> stop
> C:\ms4w\Apache\bin\apache.exe -k shutdown (default)
> monitor
> C:\ms4w\Apache\bin\ApacheMonitor.exe (default)
> ms4w  Revision 1.02          |2004/07/21
>   * Apache 2.0.50
>   * PHP 4.3.7

Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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