[ms4w-users] istalation

behrooz at yorku.ca behrooz at yorku.ca
Mon Oct 11 19:33:25 EDT 2004


I have followed the instalation steps from readme_install. I have successfuly 
installed MS4W. I want to install applications. I tried maplab-2.2. My 
understanding from readme_install is, when uncompressing maplab-2.2.zip to 
C:\, Two things should happen by itself. First, the Web application directory 
(maplab-2.2) should appear within /ms4w/apps/. Second, a new httpd_maplab-
2.2.conf file should be added to /ms4w/httpd.d/ 
like /ms4w/httpd.d/httpd_maplab-2.2.conf. After uncompressing maplab.zip to 
C:\, none of the two happens. I coppied maplab-2.2 directory from C:\ 
to /ms4w/apps/ and created the httpd_maplab-2.2.conf file as described in 
readme (I used http_owtchart.cong)and put it in /ms4w/httpd.d/ directory.I 
restarted my compute. still can not see maplab under applications in MS4W 
page. What am I doing wrong?



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