[ms4w-users] istalation

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Oct 14 11:00:45 EDT 2004

Hello Behrooz,

On the MS4W downloads page 
(http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=downloads.html) there is 
a list of applications that are pre-configured for MS4W.  As you 
mentioned, the conf file and application folders will be placed 
magically into their appropriate directories, as long as you extract the 
file to the root of the directory where MS4W is installed.  The file 
that you need to download is actually named "maplab_ms4w-2.2.zip".  Is 
it possible that you tried to install the non-ms4w package for maplab?


behrooz at yorku.ca wrote:
> Hi,
> I have followed the instalation steps from readme_install. I have successfuly 
> installed MS4W. I want to install applications. I tried maplab-2.2. My 
> understanding from readme_install is, when uncompressing maplab-2.2.zip to 
> C:\, Two things should happen by itself. First, the Web application directory 
> (maplab-2.2) should appear within /ms4w/apps/. Second, a new httpd_maplab-
> 2.2.conf file should be added to /ms4w/httpd.d/ 
> like /ms4w/httpd.d/httpd_maplab-2.2.conf. After uncompressing maplab.zip to 
> C:\, none of the two happens. I coppied maplab-2.2 directory from C:\ 
> to /ms4w/apps/ and created the httpd_maplab-2.2.conf file as described in 
> readme (I used http_owtchart.cong)and put it in /ms4w/httpd.d/ directory.I 
> restarted my compute. still can not see maplab under applications in MS4W 
> page. What am I doing wrong?
> regards,
> Behrooz
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Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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