[ms4w-users] Why mapscript40 and 42 can only generate GIF?

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Tue Oct 26 07:43:17 EDT 2004


the API for changing output format changed between 3.6 and 4.0, I
suggest you try:

$oMap->selectOutputFormat( "PNG" );



Fu Chen wrote:
> Hi!
> I install ms4w0.9 and gmap demo. But I find it very weird that two dlls php_mapscript_40.dll and php_mapscript_42.dll can only output GIF format however the ms_Version() said they also support JPEG, PNG. I change all formats to JPEG(like scripts below), they still output  new GIF in temp directory. But if I use php_mapscript_36.dll, I at once get JPEG file. 
> if (strpos( ms_GetVersion(), "OUTPUT=GIF") > 0 )
> {
>   $gAppletImgFmt = MS_JPEG;
>   $gImagesFmt = MS_JPEG;
> }
> else
> { 
>   $gAppletImgFmt = MS_JPEG;
>   $gImagesFmt = MS_JPEG;
> }
> Any idea?
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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