[ms4w-users] Problems with PHP MapScript (php_mapscript_48.dll)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Dec 15 17:22:11 EST 2006

You might also want to check /ms4w/Apache/htdocs/quickmap.php and use 
that for your starting test script.

good luck.


Jeff McKenna wrote:
> A good test is also extracting the 'PHP/MapScript Sample Application' 
> from the MS4W downloads page and see if it works (you'll have to make 
> sure that its code points to your php mapscript dll name first, in the 
> 'gmap75.phtml' file).
> Then, if it is just a problem with your own php test script, you'll need 
> to turn to the main MapServer mailing list for your question, since the 
> PHP MapScript users and developers live there. (note that you should 
> always include your full test script when posting to those lists)
> jeff
> Gaston Izaguirre wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've installed a fresh copy of MS4W 1.5.5 (mapserver 4.8.4, php 
>> 4.4.3-dev, apache 2.0.58, MapLab 2.2.1) for testing pourpouses. I've 
>> done this because of the behavior of MapLab with PHP 5.x (bundled in 
>> MS4W 2.x)
>> I tried to run a simple "hello_world" PHP script 
>> (phpms_hola-mundo.php) and I get this error:
>>  Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ms_newmapobj() in 
>> C:\ms4w\apps\mis_pruebas\htdocs\phpms_hola-mundo.php on line 9
>> where line 9 of the script is:
>>  $map = ms_newMapObj("/ms4w/apps/mis_pruebas/htdocs/hola-mundo.map");
>> I've checked the configuration with
>> php ..\htdocs\phpinfo_mapscript_48.php
>> and seems to be all fine...
>> MapScript Version: ($Revision: $ $Date: 2006/03/16 21:03:01 $)
>> Confusingly, I didn't get a warning of the kind:
>>  Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Unable to load dynamic library 
>> '/ms4w/Apache/php/ext/php_mapscript_48.dll'
>> or something similar. Only the error mentioned above.
>> Is there someone to give me a hand on this problem?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Gaston.

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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