[ms4w-users] new versions 2.1 and 1.5.5 available

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jul 20 23:04:24 EDT 2006

New versions of MS4W are available (2.1 for PHP5 users and 1.5.5 for 
PHP4 users):


The SDE and Oracle plugins have both been successfully tested.  This 
build also has MrSID enabled by default (no plugin required).  You'll 
also notice a new MS4W addon package on the download page: p.mapper (a 
phpmapscript framework project), thanks to Toni (I don't know his last 
name yet).

A special thanks to Howard Butler and his MapServer buildkit work.

Here is the list of changes:

         - upgraded mapserver and mapscript to 4.8.4
         - fixed oracle and sde plugins (bug 1499)
         - upgraded PostgreSQL in build to 8.1.4 (bug 1467)
         - upgraded GEOS in build to 2.2.3
         - enabled MrSID support by default
         - modified libcurl in build for SSL support (bug 1524)


Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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