[ms4w-users] apache-install.bat problem

Pantelis Tsouris ptsou at hol.gr
Tue Mar 14 07:49:28 EST 2006


Hello Hernan,


The route is




The command contained in apache-install.bat is




REM This installs and starts the apache service 


cd Apache\bin

Apache -k install -n "Apache Web Server"

net start "Apache Web Server"




In C:\ms4w\Apache\bin


There are 

Apache.exe and



ApacheMonitor.exe opens an Apache Monitor, but Apache does not run



I use Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600


Thank you





From: Hernan Angelini [mailto:listhernan at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:38 PM
To: ptsou at hol.gr
Subject: Re: [ms4w-users] apache-install.bat problem


 it checks that the route inside the directory is"c:\ms4w\Apache" 

2006/3/13, Pantelis Tsouris <ptsou at hol.gr>:


From: Maria GR Freitas [mailto:ptsou at hol.gr] 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 3:03 PM
To: 'ms4w-users at lists.maptools.org'
Subject: apache-install.bat



Dear ms4w Users, 


I tried installing the ms4w package on Windows XP.


After I extracted the files into my c:\ Ii tried running the
apache-install.bat file, but there I received the message error


 "the system cannot find the path specified" . 


Could you please advise on how to carry on with installation?


With many thanks in advance,


Maria Goreti Rosa-Freitas


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