[ms4w-users] shpdiff for MS4W

Taylor, Adam ataylor at ilpcs.com
Mon Mar 20 10:20:04 EST 2006

I needed this for a project I'm working on.  Thought someone else might
find this useful.  It may already be in FW Tools, but I didn't find it
with MS4W.
1)  Download LCC Win 32
2) Download shpdiff source
3)  Open LCC-Win-32
Name of Project:  shpdiff
Source working directory:  (where you downloaded Sources)
Output directory:  (where you want exe)
Type of project:  Console Application
4)  Use Wizard to Generate Application Skeleton (Defaults)
5)  Use Default Compiler Settings / Linker Settings/ Debugger Settings
6)  Move shpdiff.exe to the directory where you want it
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