[ms4w-users] New Upgrade (1.4.1) causes dll error and slow apps

Jennifer Zeisloft jzeisloft at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 19:41:57 EST 2006

Hello All,

I recently upgraded our ms4w installation to 1.4.1.  I copied over the
chameleon applications we developed and when attempting to access them
received the following error:

Unable to load dynamic library

So, I went back to the old installation to copy and paste this file to the
new installation.
The application works as it should but is notably slower.

My question is: which file(s) is calling for 4.4 rather than 4.6 or 4.8 to
be used?  I would like to do a true upgrade and not be stuck using older
components if possible.  I am hoping that this is the cause of the new
sluggishness of the application as well.

I really appreciate any hints or ideas you can offer!


Jennifer Zeisloft
UW Sea Grant Institute
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