[ms4w-users] Mapserver broken? ms4w 1.5.2

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu May 11 12:13:53 EDT 2006

Hello Mario,

Well I'm glad MS4W has been good to you.

When you talk of the steps for MrSID, you are referring to the first 3 
steps outlined in the README correct? 
If I am missing some steps then please file a bug in MS4W 
(http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=bugs.html), that would be 
a big help.

I just want to say that, before the recent addition of Howard Butler's 
buildkit, SDE and Oracle in MS4W were non-existent, and a MrSID plugin 
"could" work probably (with a lot of pain).  And at the same time 
Howard's full 'kitchen sink' MapServer build existed, in its own 
universe.  But now, thanks to Howard and Assefa's hard work, within a 
few simple steps, as outlined in the README, you have access to SDE, 
Oracle, and MrSID in MS4W.  And as of 1.5.3 all of the tools you need 
are in the MS4W package.


Mario Servin wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> 	I've been using MapServer for Windows since 2003. I am very, very
> satisfied with the product and still I'm learning about it though I can not
> say I'm an expert in the subject,and sometimes I find certain things
> presents a problem for me. In the past I had to deal, with a lot of troubles
> but with the great help of the list, with ECW raster formats, and recently
> with MrSID raster format. I installed (2nd April 2006) the version 1.4 that
> allows me (finally) to use MrSID data sources. That was great. I followed
> carefully the instructions, downloaded the SDK from Lizardtech etc., but was
> in  the second attemp that I got success because I did the same thing with
> the former version and failed.
> 	Now again with a new version I have to walk all the same steps to
> see MrSID formats. There's no problem for me as I already told you I can
> deal with that, but I think there should be a better way to package MS4W
> with the SDE and the required libraries already included, in such a way
> newbie hasn't to go all the way to get results. I am thinking this,
> specially because of the multiple free sources of satellite images in MrSID
> format that one can get in these days.
> Mario

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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