[ms4w-users] ms4w tools

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Oct 18 13:02:40 EDT 2006


Response inline below:

Sacha Black wrote:
> I am trying to use tile4ms from the ms4w 1.6 package, and running into 
> difficulty.
> First, running setenv.bat didn't seem to set the Path variable for 
> C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin; so I set it by hand.

Odd, I haven't had that problem, or heard of it lately.  So after 
executing setenv.bat, when you then execute "env" at the commandline you 
don't see "\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin" in the PATH section?

Other than that I'm not sure why it didn't work for you.

> After that I got this error when I tried to run tile4ms:
> "Entry point not found
> procedure entry point PDF_setdashpattern could not be located in the 
> dynamic link library pdflib.dll"

I'm testing 1.6 here and don't have that issue.  But my first thought is 
that you might be finding another pdflib.dll in your path?  Is that 
possible?  (do you have other copies of pdflib on your machine?)


Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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