[ms4w-users] ms4w tools

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Thu Oct 19 15:05:47 EDT 2006

Jeff McKenna wrote:

>>      >
>>      > After that I got this error when I tried to run tile4ms:
>>      >
>>      > "Entry point not found
>>      > procedure entry point PDF_setdashpattern could not be located 
>> in the
>>      > dynamic link library pdflib.dll "
>>      >
>>     I'm testing 1.6 here and don't have that issue.  But my first 
>> thought is
>>     that you might be finding another pdflib.dll in your path?  Is that
>>     possible?  (do you have other copies of pdflib on your machine?)
>> Yes... that is possible... is there a way to force a specific copy to 
>> be used, or should I just clean up the old ones?
> It's a nasty problem that I find myself in a lot too 
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLL_hell).  I know of no other way than 
> to  rename your other pdflib.dll copies and retry the command.
> jeff

Just to remind you that there is a tool on Windows to display which dlls 
are used.  I cannot remember the name though.


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