[ms4w-users] Oracle with MS4W

Zachary Stauber zstauber at bhinc.com
Fri Jan 19 13:41:40 EST 2007

Hmm, yeah that's what I did, too.  Except for the Apache part.  I'm using Oracle XE client (the free one) instead of Oracle 10g and IIS 6 instead of Apache.  I work in a Windows only company, but I know the server end is working because I can see Oracle Spatial data from FME and from GeoMedia.  But loading up the libmap.dll seems to be where it fails.  As soon as I replace that one, it dies.  Maybe I can narrow it down.

1. Is there something particular to Apache that uses libmap.dll?
2. Or is there something in the regular Oracle 10g client (as opposed to Oracle XE) that libmap.dll needs?


-----Original Message-----
From: ms4w-users-bounces at lists.maptools.org [mailto:ms4w-users-bounces at lists.maptools.org] On Behalf Of Jeff McKenna
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 11:33 AM
To: ms4w-users at lists.maptools.org
Subject: Re: [ms4w-users] Oracle with MS4W

I can tell you that I have Oracle10g locally and can view data stored in
Oracle Spatial through MS4W 2.2.2, following those MS4W instructions


Zachary Stauber wrote:
> Hi all, I’m running MS4W on IIS6, and I can talk to PostGIS just fine, 
> but I followed the instructions to move the DLL’s so I can get into 
> Oracle Spatial, and I get an error about php_mapscript.dll not being 
> able to be loaded anymore, even if I am not yet trying to load anything 
> from Oracle.  I know this problem existed in the past with version 
> 1.5.4, but I wonder if anyone has gotten it to work yet.  The error has 
> to do when I move the libmap.dll to cgi-bin.  Then it stops working and 
> I get the following error:
> *Warning*: dl() [function.dl <http://tx17.bhinc.com/function.dl>]: 
> Unable to load dynamic library 
> 'C:¥ms4w¥Apache¥php¥ext¥php_mapscript.dll' - The specified module could 
> not be found. in *C:¥Inetpub¥wwwroot¥TX17¥index.phtml* on line *135*
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function ms_newMapObj() in 
> *C:¥Inetpub¥wwwroot¥TX17¥index.phtml* on line *138*
> PHP Warning: dl() [function.dl <http://tx17.bhinc.com/function.dl>]: 
> Unable to load dynamic library 
> 'C:¥ms4w¥Apache¥php¥ext¥php_mapscript.dll' - The specified module could 
> not be found. in C:¥Inetpub¥wwwroot¥TX17¥index.phtml on line 135 PHP 
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function ms_newMapObj() in 
> C:¥Inetpub¥wwwroot¥TX17¥index.phtml on line 138
> *Zachary L. Stauber*
> **Certified Mapping Scientist**
> *Bohannan**▲**Huston*
> Courtyard One, 7500 Jefferson N.E.
> Albuquerque, New Mexico  87109
> Office: 505-823-1000
> Direct: 505-798-7970
> Fax: 505-798-7932
> Email: zstauber at bhinc.com <mailto:zstauber at bhinc.com>

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.
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