[ms4w-users] spatial query

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jul 16 15:54:10 EDT 2007

Kamal Pandey wrote:
> Thanks Jeff McKenna,
>                                  downloaded the Itasca, but could not 
> execute it even after extracting at root where MS4W is installed,but the 
> application could not be extracted at apps directory, so copied the 
> extracted itasca folder from root to apps folder, even then the 
> application was not listed in the home page of ms4w.

That is odd because you should be able to extract the demo 
(mapserv_demo_ms4w.zip) at the same root as your ms4w installation (e.g. 
C:/), and simply restart your apache service.

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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