[ms4w-users] MapStorer to ms4w

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Mar 8 14:41:09 EST 2007

Hello Sebastian,

That is great news that you are interested in creating and maintaining a
MapStorer-ms4w add-on package.  This is good timing too, since a new 
MS4W was released the other night, and others have submitted some add-on 
changes recently that I am about to add to the download page.

Here are some steps:
1) create an zip archive that contains the same structure as the 
existing ms4w archive
    - /ms4w/apps/ contains your application
    - /ms4w/Apache/htdocs/ contains your package's html include file 
(see other existing add-on) that is used for the index page
    - /ms4w/httpd.d/ contains your application's Apache conf include file

2) If special installation steps are required for your package with 
MS4W, include them in a text file

3) Include a release-history.txt file for your package, if you wish

4) Specify the main site's URL

(see the existing add-ons and their links for 2,3,4 above 

5) email me directly with all of the above

6) Also be aware that by maintaining this, you agree to help out with 
configure-questions for your package on the MS4W mailing list.

External dependencies like MySQL and PostgreSQL would be noted in the 
instructions that I mentioned in step 2) above.

Also, regarding Robert's comment about problems with PHP: MapLab was 
developed years ago and newer versions of PHP are a problem for it.  I 
see that MapStorer was ported to PHP5, so that is great news in terms of 
MS4W (since MS4W's PHP4 development has stopped)...as well as great news 
for people looking for another MapLab-type package to manage their mapfiles.

I also have been thinking that credit should be given to people 
contributing and maintaining these packages...so I will add these 
credits to the install document, as well as in a CONTRIBUTORS.txt 
document in the base MS4W package.  Yours and others help is much 
appreciated, in making MS4W a great package (over 3,200 downloads of the 
base package a month now!).


PS. hello to everyone at the WhereGroup!

Sebastian Schmitz wrote:
> Hi,
> what would I have to do, if I wanted to create a MapStorer add-on for ms4w?
> I would be happy to maintain it. Anybody else working on that?
> Are MySQL or PostgreSQL included in ms4w yet?
> Cheers
> Sebastian

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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