[ms4w-users] Setting Up Apache

Ben Madin ben at remoteinformation.com.au
Wed May 30 19:11:51 EDT 2007

G'day Stephen,

I'll preface this with saying I have limited experience with Windows,  
but I suspect you will have to stop the IIS service prior to running  
the install.bat for the apache server. I think this can be done  
through the Administrative Tools -> Services.

You may also have to configure the Windows Firewall once the apache  
service is running to allow the apache service through it. I recall  
having to do this, but I have installed once, and am still happily  
using that installation.

It may also be possible to change the network port that Apache is  
listening on, but I would try the above items first.

There are many others with a better understanding than I, so I hope  
they might help as well.



On 31/05/2007, at 1:34 AM, oladayiye a.s wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I am a GIS analyst trying to learn my trade all over (that is what  
> web mapping means), I am in the process of installing MapServer  
> 9I'm using Tyler Mitchell's Web mapping as my guide), but I have  
> problem setting up Apache, the service just wouldn't run.
> I tried http://localhost/ and what i get are general info on  
> webservice and IIS - I have .Net and ASP installed on my system. i  
> checked the Administrative Services and found that Apache service  
> is not started. I tried several times to manually instal it and all  
> I get is this:
> "Windows could not start the Apache MS4W webserver on local  
> computer. For more information review system event log, if it is a  
> non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor and refer to  
> service-specific error code 1"
> My system is Intel Pentium M 1.60GHz 512 RAM Qosmio Toshiba running  
> MS Windows XP.
> Any help at all will be highly appreciated.
> Stephen


Ben Madin

t : +61 8 9192 5455
f : +61 8 9192 5535
m : 0448 887 220
Broome   WA   6725

ben at remoteinformation.com.au

					Out here, it pays to know...

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