[ms4w-users] News: Mapbender is now integrated in MS4W as an additional package

Astrid Emde (WhereGroup) astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Mon Oct 22 03:02:15 EDT 2007


Mapbender is now available as an additional package for MS4W (MapServer
for Windows).

Mapbender is an OSGeo Project. Mapbender provides interfaces for
displaying, navigating and querying OGC OWS services (e.g. WMS, WFS-T,
WMC). Mapbender also provides an interface to digitize using WFS-T.  The
Mapbender framework additionally provides interfaces for user and group
administration and management functionality for accessing maps rendered
and data served by OGC Open Web Services. Mapbender is
implemented in PHP, HTML/JavaScript and XML and needs an administrative
database (PostgreSQl,MySQL).

To find out more about Mapbender have a look at http://www.mapbender.org

If you want to have a look at some Mapbender solutions have a look at the
Mapbender Gallery at http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Mapbender_Gallery.

How can you integrate Mapbender to your MS4W installation?

Following the link
http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=downloads.html you can
downnload the package and integrate Mapbender easily to your MS4W

Folllow the Install Notes
(http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=RELEASE_mapbender.html) to
configure Mapbender.

Thanks to Jeff McKenna, who assisted me to integrate Mapbender in the MS4W

You can contact me, if you have any questions or remarks on the Mapbender
MS4W integration.

For questions concerning Mapbender join the Mapbender mailing lists

Hope you will enjoy Mapbender!

Best Regards

Astrid Emde


  Astrid Emde
  WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
  Siemensstraße 8
  D-53121 Bonn

  Fon: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 19
  Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11

  astrid.emde at wheregroup.com

Die Lösungskonferenz der WhereGroup
am 29. November 2007 in Bonn

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