[ms4w-users] MS4W 2.2.7 available

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Feb 8 21:08:13 EST 2008

MS4W 2.2.7 is now available 
([http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=downloads.html] http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=downloads.html), with the 
following changes:

        - upgraded mapserver and mapscript to 5.0.2 release
        - upgraded GDAL to 1.5.0 release (bug 1830)
        - upgraded to Python 2.5.1 support for GDAL and MapServer (bug 1831)
        - upgraded PHP to 5.2.5 (bug 1834)
        - upgraded Apache to 2.2.8 (bug 1835) 
        - upgraded to GD 2.0.35 support for MapServer (bug 1820) 
        - upgraded to SWIG 1.3.33 support for GDAL and MapServer (bug 1780)
        - upgraded to libTIFF CVS support (02/04/08) for GDAL
        - added DEMtools utilities (bug 1813)
        - upgraded SDE and Oracle plugin files for GDAL and MapServer 


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