[ms4w-users] LocateByAttribute and parameters help

Fernando Sánchez García nando_gcia at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 16 03:37:50 EDT 2008

Hello everyone, I'm a novice and I have a some doubts about the generation of a map files and Chameleon widget called LocateByAttribute. I'm using the Mapserver 4 Windows 2.2.7 and I want to personalize the results of the widget, so they appear the attributes of the layer that i want. To do this in one of the layers in the map file using the following parameters found in a previous post:Metadata"TRANSPORTATION" "True""RESULT_FIELDS" "Identificator""SPATIALSEARCH" "Identificator, Area, Perimeter""SPATIALSEARCHLIST" "Identificator, Area, Perimeter""Show_in_legend" "1"ENDThe problem is that the file "searchresults.phtml" shows three columns Identificator Perimeter area but has only data column Identificator. The column Area and Perimeter are empty but if there are data on shapefiles in the columns of attributes.On the other hand if I don't use the METADATA in the file map, then I returned two columns that are Identificator and Area with all values and do not understand because now the Area column have values.Could someone help me understand and explain a bit mean that the parameters of searches of metadata?. Thank you.My widget is:<CWC2 type="LocateByAttribute" searchall="true" ZOOMBUFFER="5" popupheight="100" popupwidth="550" highlight="TRUE" allowdownload="false" popup="TRUE" visible="true"/></CWC2>Fernando Sánchez GarcíaSIG-UCO Universidad de CórdobaDept. Ingeniería Gráfica E Ingeniería Y Sist. Información CartográficaEdificio Gregor Mendel C5 - 3ª Pta.Campus Universitario de Rabanales. Ctra. N-IV a km. 39614071 CÓRDOBA (España). 
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