[ms4w-users] Problem With SDE conection

David Martinez Morata damarmo at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 06:08:36 EDT 2008


I try to create the image with shp2img command but the message in the
command prompt its:

"msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Unable to initialize image.<br>
msPrepareImage(): General error message. Image dimensions not specified.

And in error log of Apache server the adress of gdal_SDE.dll isn't correct

"ERROR 1: Can't load requested DLL: C:/ms4w/gdalplugins\\gdal_SDE.dll\r
126: Le module sp\xe9cifi\xe9 est introuvable.\r\r
\r "

Thanks for you help

> A good way of verifying that you can connect to SDE is by using the
> shp2img.exe commandline utility. (
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/utilityreference/shp2img)
> What happens when you try to create a map image of your
> 'SDE_cablage_all_001.map' mapfile using shp2img.exe????
> --
> Jeff McKenna
> FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services
> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
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