[MS4W-Users] newbie:python mapscript install

Michael Savarese geomajor56 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 13:28:36 EST 2009

I'm trying to configure python mapscript with MS4W 3.0

I've installed Python 2.6 and unzipped 3 files from

it included a file: mapscript-5.4.2-py2.6.egg-info

mapscript.pyc is missing as per instructions found. I guess this is the
compiled version. So I ran it in IDLE 2.6 and it returned some indent error
on an If statement.

I'm going to attempt to run the Python mapscript example from Bill Kropla's
book "Beginning MapServer". I know the book is slightly outdated so any
heads up on changes would be appreciated.

thanks in advance, Mike S
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